The Formation of: Dr. Jaafar Hassan Government and the Parliamentary Elections

Government: Optimism and Trust/Confidence Government: Optimism and Trust Government: Ability to take on the responsibilities of the coming period – National Sample Government: Ability to take on the responsibilities of the coming period – Leaders and Experts sample Jordanians’ priorities: Trust in public institutions Parliamentarian Elections, September 2024 Elections are fair and transparent: Satisfaction with…

Two Years After its Formation: Jordanians’ Opinion of the Government of Dr. Bishr Al-Khasawneh

Introduction: In continuation of the Center for Strategic Studies’ approach in studying citizens’ opinions and impressions and analyzing the trends of Jordanian public opinion, this poll was conducted to evaluate the performance of Dr. Bishr Al-Khasawneh government two years after its formation; where the current government was formed in 12/Dec/2020, and the center conducted the…