The course provides an introduction to the recent global refugee situation with a focus on the Middle East and North Africa. Main topics of this course will include: globalization, asylum
seeking, conflicts, war and ethnicity.

1- Obtaining (42) scholarships for students of the Professional Diploma in Refugee Studies and Forced Migration at the Center for Strategic Studies for three courses, equally divided between Jordanians and Syrians
-2- Funding a field study on Syrian refugees. In cooperation with the German Corporation for International Cooperation
The aims of this research study have been administered by carefully investigating the current situation of Syrian refugees in Jordan in terms of the various push and pull factors found in Jordan and Syria that might encourage or prevent Syrians from returning to their lands, including: their relation with Jordanians, work status, communal tensions, education, health services, concerns related to the situation in Syria, and travelling /immigration to other countries. Field survey was completed on a representative sample of (3,449) Syrian refugees residing in the governorates of Amman, Zarqa, Irbid and Mafraq, outside the camps.
Donor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)Year: 2019