Project Objectives:
– Identify the push and pull factors within the local community that contribute to extremism.
– Document the social, economic, political, cultural, and gender-specific factors within the community that may contribute to this phenomenon.
– Determine the drivers of extremism at the local level, which will be used for future planning in combating extremism.
– Contribute to the development of balanced policies for combating extremism.
– Find solutions to address extremism through local development.
Project Methodology:
– Study the current social and economic situation in the areas specified in the study (using data from the Department of Statistics).
– Conduct a field study on the economic and social realities in all selected areas, as well as the citizens’ attitudes. This will cover 9 selected areas, with an estimated sample size of 2,700 respondents distributed proportionally across the 9 areas (districts).
– Policy recommendations.
Donor: US Embassy in AmmanYear: 2019