The objectives of the 2024 STEPS survey are:

  • To describe the prevalence of non-communicable diseases and associated risk factors at the national level, and to track temporal trends in the prevalence of these risk factors (similar studies were conducted in 2019 and 2007).
  • To identify public health priorities and use them to guide the development of preventive health strategies.
  • To direct the allocation of limited resources towards the implementation of cost-effective interventions to maximize resource utilization.
  • To predict future healthcare needs and design healthcare services according to the number of cases.
  • To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of preventive interventions for non-communicable diseases across the kingdom.

The study will be conducted in all governorates of the kingdom with a sample size of 6,000 respondents from various nationalities, aged 18-69 years.

Donor: In cooperation with the Ministry of Health, and funded by a European Union grantYear: 2024