FOCUS (Forced displacement and solidarity with the refugee host community)

Project Title: FOCUS – Forced Displacement and Host Community Solidarity for Refugees 2019-2021 (3 Years) Scholarship programme: Horizon 2020 (European Commission) The inaugural meeting held in Copenhagen (Denmark) on January 16-17, 2019. Project Description The vision of FOCUS is to increase understanding and provide effective and evidence-based solutions to the challenges of forced migration within…


FOCUS (النزوح القسري والتضامن مع المجتمع المضيف للاجئين)

عنوان المشروع: FOCUS – النزوح القسري وتضامن المجتمع المضيف للاجئين 2019-2021 (3 سنوات) برنامج المنحة: Horizon 2020 (المفوضية الأوروبية) الاجتماع الافتتاحي الذي عقد في كوبنهاغن (الدنمارك) في 16 و 17 يناير 2019. وصف المشروع تتمثل رؤية FOCUS في زيادة فهم وتوفير حلول فعالة وقائمة على الأدلة لتحديات الهجرة القسرية داخل المجتمعات المضيفة وبالتالي المساهمة في…


Our decisions: “Strengthening civil society organizations in Jordan to better influence the democratic transition process”

Within the framework of the EU-funded programme: “Enhanced Support to Democratic Institutions in Jordan” which consists of four components, this project is part of Component 4, which aims to deepen the role of civil society in contributing to democratic governance and policy-making. The project is in line with the objective of AECID under the EU-JDID program,…
