Forms of ethnic adaptation

June 12, 2012 In this book, the author focused on the issue of assimilation of Jewish immigrants to Israel and what characteristics they carry and their relationship to their readjustment to Israeli society, by focusing on the two attempts to integrate the Jews of Iraq and the Jews of Morocco


أشكال التكيف الإثني

حزيران 12, 2012 في هذا الكتاب ركز المؤلف على قضية استيعاب المهاجرين اليهود إلى إسرائيل وما هي الصفات التي يحملونها وعلاقتها بإعادة تكيفهم مع المجتمع الإسرائيلي، من خلال التركيز على محاولتي دمج يهود العراق ويهود المغرب


The Economic Integration Project in the Arab Mashreq: Phase Two – the Private Sector

June 11, 2012 executive summary The book includes, in addition to the analytical and comparative reports, the consolidated tables of all the intersectional results from one country to another, for all the five countries covered by the project (Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt) in the fields of: industry, agriculture, tourism, information and communication technology,…
