نبض الشارع الأردني – 22

– أبدى الغالبية العظمى من المستجيبين (91%) رضاهم عن الجهود التي بذلها جلالة الملك من أجل منع إسرائيل من ضم أراضٍ من الضفة الغربية وغور الأردن. ويعتقد غالبية المستجيبين (64%) أن الأردن قام بكل ما بوسعه من أجل منع إجراءات الضم. –     يعتقد غالبية المستجيبين (76%) أن القرار الإسرائيلي بضم أراضٍ من الضفة الغربية وغور الأردن سيؤثر…


UNDP, partners launch initiative highlighting small-scale, local efforts to fight COVID-19

AMMAN — The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Jordan on Saturday announced the launch of “Takatof: United We Stand”, a series of virtual sessions held in partnership with the Centre for Strategic Studies (CSS) at the University of Jordan. According to a statement from the UNDP made available to The Jordan Times, the dialogue…


Jordan “Post-Corona” Challenges and Options

May 03, 2020 The world today (in addition to the Corona pandemic) is swept by a group of philosophical approaches, understandings and propositions in decision-making circles, policies, research centers and thinking, which compete in providing analyzes to understand and explain the virus, how it spreads and mechanisms for containing it, and predicting the effects of…
