Iranian-American talks on Iraq: the end of the confrontation or another beginning?

June 17, 2012 Since that date, the American and Iranian sides have only exchanged statements through the media, through a third party, or through meetings of what is known as “Track 2” i.e. dialogues that bring together unofficial representatives of both Americans and Iranians, and the most prominent of these meetings is what happened after…


المحادثات الإيرانية الامريكية حول العراق.. نهاية المواجهة ام بداية اخرى؟

حزيران 17, 2012 منذ ذلك التاريخ اكتفى الطرفان الأمريكي والإيراني بتبادل التصريحات عبر وسائل الإعلام أو من خلال طرف ثالث أو من خلال اجتماعات ما يعرف ب( ( Track 2 أي حوارات تجمع بين ممثلين غير رسميين عن كل من الأمريكيين والإيرانيين ، ومن ابرز تلك اللقاءات ما حدث بعد هجمات سبتمبر 2001 ، فقد التقى الطرفان…


The vortex of religion and the state in Israel

June 12, 2012 This book deals with various topics in Israeli society such as basic differences, Jewish and Zionism arguments, participation in political life, the emergence of the identification between “Land of Israel” and “State of Israel”, religious Zionism and Salafist movements, religiosity and Zionism, metaphysical religious ideology and the Land of Israel. In the conclusion,…
